This project consists of building, with a FUTURISTIC look, a radically HIGH-TECH, globally advanced theme park of virtual worlds ranging from games to museums to zoos.
Its business model is base on the exploration of a set of virtual experiences never before imagined. The use of VIRTUAL REALITY technologies on a large scale which enables faster and cheaper content updates than those of a traditional park.
With this model the surface area is also values in an innovative way. The area is rented out in CUBIC METERS (m3) as it makes available both physical space and a Virtual one to its exhibitors.
The shows, brand names and products are promoted within a physical space and in holographic Cyberspace by means of real and virtual Contents in all zones of the building, namely:
This unique and innovative concept will attract and encourage the development of creative industrial clusters and add value to the surrounding area in an unequalled way.
"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)